Simple Unity Platform Tips for Mobile Game Development:

Tanyaa Sharma
4 min readNov 17, 2021

Each person’s experience with mobile gaming has been unique, and the possibilities are unlimited with Unity and the Unity Game Development Agency. Unity3D is one of the most popular gaming engines in the world, and it excels at bringing any virtual figure from concept to reality. This gaming platform, which covers all aspects of conception, launch, and operation, offers unparalleled versatility and high-end exposure. Developers on Android and iOS are at ease for mobile game creation in unity since it caters to their simple access to modular tools and fulfills the aim of reinventing solutions for both 2D and 3D gaming.

Why do developers favor Unity for developing mobile games?

Though there are no precise criteria that drive Mobile Game Developers back to Unity, there is one important feature that assists them in structuring a high-quality gaming experience: cross-platform advantages. Saving a significant amount of time and money on overhead costs that mostly influence post-production or launch limitations. Developers may make use of its relatively broad capabilities, which allow them to construct a virtual cosmos because its bounds are not confined to program development.

It’s also not focused on coding. In Unity, code accounts for just 20% of the game production process. This naturally creates an environment for newcomers to try their hand at Unity rather than getting into high-level coding. Because the game business is so well-functioning, it’s much easier for a developer to use a free licensed platform like Unity instead of investing in pricey tools and modules on other platforms. There are several other reasons why Unity is the greatest game engine for making games. Unity isn’t simply popular among mobile game developers; it’s also a safe bet. Let’s talk about how to make a game with Unity now.

Tips on how to make a mobile game with Unity

Despite the fact that Unity is regarded as a platform that alleviates the primary challenges faced by developers. There are a few pointers that might assist them to improve their current abilities.

Start at the beginning– It’s natural to become overwhelmed by the prospect of implementing all of the platform’s features. If you’re new to Unity, it’s best to start at the beginning. Learning the basic minimum will give you a clearer perspective than diving headfirst into something enormous. Using basic gameplay, formal UI/UX, objects, and profiling tools to create an environment that is straightforward to understand. As a result, the overall animation and rendering time is reduced, allowing you to focus on other important parts of game design and development.

Profiler for in-depth Skill-

Profiler is used to give considerable insights into the blueprint’s timing, statistical information, and memory. It also aids developers in determining a smooth run by detecting garbage and what causes it, the reason for spikes, the time it takes to render a frame, and other data that allows you to create without interruption. From the Profiler panel, you can also discover more about the Game object Instantiate.

TDD (Test Driven Development) by Unity–

TDD stands for Test-Driven Development. To reach the desired outcome, it can simply be referred to as the trial and error approach. TDD is a lengthy procedure that needs frequent script testing and writing in order to continue in the present direction. Testing has become relatively simple because of Unity’s use of contemporary tools and functionalities. You are not required to wait for the outcome. When a game passes a test and is found to be successful, a trigger email is sent.

GIT via Unity–

This is a version control system for monitoring changes in the mobile game’s source code. It’s utilized to keep the team in sync and produces a layer that may be added or removed at a later time. Unity improves the entire process and simplifies the development process for mobile game developers.

Learning more about interfaces -

Some of you might find it useful as a developer to learn more about interfaces and abstract classes. It falls within the category of general development difficulties such as code duplication and maintenance. If not checked, this can cause chaos. If you’ve learned C# and used it to make a mobile game in Unity, understanding interfaces and abstract classes will help you solve these problems.

Pooling and Approaches Required–

Developing a game takes a long time, and depending on items to create a new scene and background is both time-consuming and inefficient. Repurposing what you’ve already created and allowing it to blend into the plot is a fantastic idea. If you haven’t previously done so, pooling is a viable alternative. Using resources as a source of inspiration.

Unity 3D has a long list of tools for making mobile games, and its cross-platform flexibility makes it a favorite of both artists and AAA developers. Artists prefer the supercharged animation tools for both 3D and 2D platforms, while programmers prefer the C# programming API. To perform better in the profession, a game developer must regularly enhance his or her skills and expertise.

