3 Pillars Of Blockchain Technology:

Tanyaa Sharma
5 min readAug 3, 2021


We are all aware that blockchain is a brilliant invention. With the passage of time, it has grown into something significant. Blockchain technology is a game-changing invention that has wreaked havoc on a variety of businesses. And, like everything else, it is supported by three primary pillars that distinguish it and carry its whole weight.

As a result, you’ll only hear individuals talking about investing in it or expanding it to generate more possibilities. As a result, today we’ll go over blockchain technology in greater depth and explain why it’s having such a significant influence on transactional standards.

The three essential features of most blockchain initiatives are decentralization, scalability, and security. Developers are always attempting to strike a balance between these factors such that none is harmed.

In this article, we will discuss the 3 pillars of blockchain technology, but before jumping into the pillar of blockchain, let’s explore the blockchain basics first.

What Is Blockchain Technology?

Two key blockchain features are immutability and distributed news. Because the ledger is immutable, you can always rely on it to be correct. The blockchain’s decentralized nature protects it against network assaults.

On the ledger, each transaction or record is recorded in a “block.” Blocks on the Bitcoin blockchain, for example, typically include more than 500 Bitcoin transactions.

A block’s information is dependent on and related to the information in previous blocks, forming a chain of transactions through time. As a result, the term blockchain was coined.

A blockchain is a time-stamped collection of fixed data recordings held by a set of computers. There isn’t a single entity that owns these. These data blocks are kept secure and linked to one another using cryptographic values. In technical terms, these are referred to as the chain.

As a result, how does it possess business-disrupting capabilities? You are not required to report to any central authority within the blockchain network. This is the most common depiction of democratized planning. The data in it is open to everyone since it is a mutual and full ledger. As a result, anything produced on the blockchain is transparent, and everyone engaged is accountable for their actions.

Types Of Blockchain:

Blockchains may be divided into four categories:

Public Blockchains:

Anyone who wants to request or confirm a transaction can use public blockchains, which are open, decentralized networks of computers (check for accuracy). Those that validate transactions (miners) get rewarded.

Proof-of-work or proof-of-stake consensus techniques are used in public blockchains (discussed later). The Bitcoin and Ethereum (ETH) blockchains are two popular instances of public blockchains.

Private Blockchain:

Private blockchains aren’t public, and access is restricted. The system administrator must provide permission to anybody who wants to join. They are usually centralized and administered by a single body. Hyperledger, for example, is permission, private blockchain.

Consortiums or Hybrid Blockchains:

Consortiums are a hybrid of public and private blockchains with both centralized and decentralized functionality. Energy Web Foundation, Dragonchain, and R3 are just a few examples.


A sidechain is a blockchain that runs in the opposite direction of the main chain. It enhances scalability and efficiency by allowing users to move digital assets across two distinct blockchains. The Liquid Network is an example of a sidechain.

Features Of Blockchain Technology:

Nothing achieves popularity in today’s technology-driven society unless it is distinctive. Or has widely shared characteristics. The same may be said about blockchain and its development. However, we’ve included a handful that has an influence below. These are the following:

  • Immutable
  • Translucent
  • Decentralized
  • Data Stored Cryptographically

These are just a handful of the numerous advantages it provides. There are several examples, and the list could go on and on. However, there is an infrastructure cost associated with this reference. Apart from that, there are no other costs.

Do you know what the three main pillars of blockchain technology are?

The three major pillars of Blockchain Technology — and the primary reasons for its enormous development and success — are:

  • Decentralization
  • Transparency
  • Immutability

Let’s take a look at each of them in terms of their distinct character qualities.


The designers cleverly produced something that was lacking in everyday life. Combination management is something we’re used to. And this was before Bitcoin’s meteoric surge. Later on, we witnessed the birth of BitTorrent. The consideration is a unifying element that stores all of the information. And you’ll have to work entirely with this chemical to acquire any data/information you need. The financial system is another example of a unified contextual. They keep all of your money, and the only way to pay them is through the bank. As a result, we now understand why decentralization has become so popular.


“Openness or transparency” is one of the most appealing and misunderstood concepts in the blockchain world. Blockchain, according to a limited number of people, offers maintenance and security. On the other hand, some of them like his open or straightforward approach.

From the perspective of digital money, if you know the visible location of one of the banking institutions, you can simply look at all of their dealings with them. This allows them to be open, which they have never done before. However, this isn’t one of our most compelling use cases. However, the general public is fairly familiar with this arrangement. Furthermore, we can practically guarantee that a substantial portion of these businesses will not use digital billing. Regardless matter whether they do, they will not completely change their trading practices and adopt cryptographic currencies.


When it comes to the blockchain, robustness means that there will be no changes as soon as something is added to it. Because of the cryptographic hash function, this is the case. In simple terms, hashing entails taking an information thread of arbitrary length and returning a static length. When it comes to cryptanalytic currencies like bitcoin, the interactions are saved as data and totaled using a hashing algorithm. You should be aware that bitcoin uses the SHA-256 algorithm. It also follows a fixed-assets strategy.

Want To Build Blockchain?

As previously stated, blockchain is a decentralized, immutable ledger for recording transactions, tracking assets, and establishing trust. With the blockchain development solutions, you can now get the benefits of blockchain as well.



Tanyaa Sharma
Tanyaa Sharma

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